Dance Curriculum

Toddler Dance Classes

Classes offer instruction in pre-ballet, pre-tap, pre acrobatics, creative dance and musical appreciation for the young child 2-3 year old classes will meet for 30 minutes once per week.

Preschool Dance Classes

Classes offer instruction in pre-ballet, pre-tap, pre acrobatics, creative dance and musical appreciation for the young child 3-4 year old classes will meet for 45 minutes once per week.

Primary Dance Classes

Classes offer instruction on a more advanced level pre-ballet, pre-tap, pre-acrobatics, creative dance and music appreciation. Kindergarten classes meet 1 hour per week.

Intermediate Dance Classes

Classes include ballet, tap, and jazz. These classes are graded levels for beginners, intermediate and experienced dancers.

Advanced Dance Classes

A combination of tap and jazz classes designed for dancers age 8 and older in graded class levels. Our goal is to help develop the dancer to his/her fullest dance potential in the techniques of ballet, tap and jazz dance.

Pointe Class

Dance on Pointe, is the art of standing on the tips of the toes while performing steps from Ballet. Pointe requires strength and skill and is reserved for the advanced level dancer. Our dancers must have participated in the Pre Point class. Pointe classes must be combined with a ballet class.

Cardio Pop

Are you ready to hit the hottest new dance fitness class that will feel more like a party than a workout? This class will combine easy to follow cardio dance moves with Plyometrics for a total body burn. Burn intense calories all while listening to your favorite hip hop, pop, 80’s and 90’s music!

Hip Hop

In this class you are going to be introduced to a different culture than any other dance style out there. There are many different styles, techniques and levels in the hip hop world that also require a lot of personality, attitude, and respect. Every other Friday.